Using WooCommerce for business

eCommerce store

Using WooCommerce for business

WooCommerce is a free, open-source e-commercecommerce plugin for WordPress websites that allows you to create and run online shops. Here are some ways to use WooCommerce for business.

Create an online shop

WooCommerce allows you to set up an online shop where you can sell products and services. You can manage different product types (e.g. physical products, digital products, services) and customise product descriptions, prices and images.

Product management

With WooCommerce, you can easily add, edit and delete products in your store. You can group your products by categories and tags, which helps your customers to search and browse.

Stocking and stock management

WooCommerce helps you keep track of your product stock and alerts you when stock is at a critical level. This allows you to efficiently manage the purchase and restocking of goods.

Pricing and discounts

The plugin allows you to customize prices and offer discounts, coupons and promotions to your customers.

Different payment and delivery options

WooCommerce supports various payment methods such as PayPal, credit card, bank transfers and cash payments. It also allows you to set different shipping options and manage shipping costs.

Tax management

WooCommerce allows you to set up tax rules and automatically calculate taxes based on the location of your customers.

Analyses and reports

WooCommerce offers a range of analytical tools and reports to help you track business performance, such as revenue, sales and customer behaviour.


WooCommerce offers a wide range of themes and extensions that allow you to customise your online store according to your needs. So you can create the look and functionality that suits your business.

SEO optimization

WooCommerce offers built-in SEO optimization tools and options to help your website rank better in search engines.

Customer service and support

WooCommerce allows you to contact and support your customers regarding their orders. Email notifications, confirmations and request management help both customers and the business.

With WooCommerce, businesses can easily and efficiently set up and run online stores, expand their business opportunities and reach their online audience. For e-commerce businesses, it is an excellent tool for selling products and services, and an opportunity for business growth.